Encouraging and inspiring students
The Western Sydney University prize program acknowledges our most-dedicated and high-achieving students and by contributing, you are helping us encourage and inspire them to continue striving for excellence.
As a supporter, you will be recognised for your gift. Each prize recipient receives information about the prize and the donor as well as a notification on their academic transcript.
You can select the area you would like your prize to support. We fully manage the administration process, including the selection of the recipient.
A prize is a donation of no less than $500, to be in place for a period of 2 to 5 years.
The following structure provides a suggestion on how to allocate your prize:
- A prize of $500 awarded for achievement in an individual subject
- A prize of $1,000 awarded for achievement in a particular course and year of study
- A prize of $1,000 or more awarded to a graduating student for overall achievement in a particular course
Recognition for Prize Donor
As a prize donor, you will receive recognition in the following ways:
- An invitation to and recognition at the annual Dean's Awards Ceremony with the opportunity to present the award to the recipient
- Naming rights to the prize
- Recognition in the awards ceremony booklet
- Listed in the Western Sydney University Donor Honour Roll
- Invitation to relevant Western Sydney University functions
Management of Prizes
When a donor commits to funding a prize at Western Sydney University the management of the prize is looked after by the University, which includes:
- Administering the selection process for the prize
- Forwarding funds to the student
- Ensuring that the prize complements the academic program
- Coordinating the awards ceremony where the prize is presented
Contact Us
To discuss how you can be part of the Western Sydney University Prizes program, please contact the Office of Advancement.