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Diversity Fest is a key event on the calendar that celebrates the incredible diversity of Western Sydney University, including culture, sex, gender, physical and mental abilities, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political beliefs, religious practices, and socio-economic status.
Diversity Fest celebrated each Spring aims to provide opportunities for students to increase their connection within the community, enrich their social network and participate in discourse around inclusion. Our hope is that we increase student community cohesion, student morale and engagement broadly on campus.
Join Western Sydney University Students, Staff, Alumni, and local communities in celebrating Diversity Fest between September 26 and October 2, 2022.
How to experience Diversity Fest via WESTERNLife
1. Download the CampusGroups App
- App Store (Apple);
- Google Play (Android),
- WESTERNLife to view on your desktop
2. Search "Western Sydney University" to access WESTERNLife (if using the app)
3. Sign in with your Western Sydney ID and keep the tab open
4. Click on the calendar tab above to see what’s on during the week
Want to find out more about the Diversity Fest?
Please email