Microbes at the Root of Sustainable Farming
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Western Sydney Research: Transforming Lives and Shaping the Future
Western Sydney University’s innovative research empowers communities. Our research improves lives — locally, regionally and globally. In partnership with industry and community, we arrive at research outcomes that are accessible to those who matter most — the users. Our steadfast commitment to quality leads to discoveries that are relevant, applicable and confront real life challenges.
In this third edition of Future-Makers, we proudly present stories of Western’s research quality and excellence and our important contribution to addressing a wide-range of society’s most vexing issues.
The stories of new discoveries and knowledge translation delivered in Future-Makers are fascinating and reflect Western’s research excellence. More importantly they are stories that are pertinent to the lives of people globally. This publication offers a collection of quality research stories, many of which find solutions to intractable societal problems.
Stories of research success detailing the development of more effective, less invasive treatments for cancer; predicting the effect of climate change on forests; tackling the challenges of future farming and improving farm productivity; investigating the neuroscience underpinning consciousness; and identifying a novel polymer that enables rapid and robust repairs to extend the lifespan of key mining infrastructure collectively reflect Western’s exceptional capacity.
We are delighted to share these stories of success and research excellence arising from the extraordinary work of Western Sydney University researchers.
Professor Barney Glover AO
Vice-Chancellor and President
Professor Deborah Sweeney
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research, Enterprise and International)