Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Entry Program is an alternative University Entry Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Applicants can gain entry to any undergraduate degree* at Western Sydney University by completing our entry assessment and be supported throughout your education journey. 

*With the exception of the Doctor of Medicine degree which has it's own Indigenous pathway process

Whether you are a current high school student looking for an early offer, completing a non-ATAR pathway or are unsure if your ATAR will be enough for your dream degree, OR if you are working, studying at TAFE or wishing to start your higher education journey, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Entry Program is your pathway into Western Sydney University!

We accept applications throughout the year for the upcoming Assessment Days, or alternative dates as arranged.

What's Involved

To gain entry to your dream degree, you are required to complete an Entry Assessment. The entry assessment includes a short essay and comprehension task. If your preferred degree requires numeracy, you will also be required to complete a short numeracy assessment. We provide you with access to online resources and practice tests, to help you get prepared.

June 2024
3 and 4 June 2024 (Online)
6 and 7 June 2024 (Online)

August 2024
8 and 9 August (Online)
12 and 13 August (Kingswood Campus)
15 and 16 August (Campbelltown Campus)
19 and 20 August (Online)

November 2024
11 and 12 November (Kingswood)
14 and 15 November (Campbelltown Campus)
18 and 19 November (Online)
21 and 22 November (Online)

Evening and alternative date assessments are available upon request.

How Do I Apply?

You are required to complete 2 forms to register for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Entry Program. These are your application to Western, and registration for Assessment Days.

Complete your online application listing your dream degree!

Click Apply Now to complete your application. List your preferred degrees and campuses.

Note: In the 'Entry Pathways' section of your application, select yes to “Would you like to be invited to attend the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program testing and assessment days?”

Please note the Doctor of Medicine is a separate pathway. For more information contact the School of Medicine via email at IndigenousFutureDr@westernsydney.edu.au

Complete the Registration to Attend Assessment Days form

Assessment dates: 

June 2024

  • 3 and 4 June 2024 (Online)
  • 6 and 7 June 2024 (Online)
  • Face-to-face assessments are available upon request

If you are unable to attend the above locations or dates, fill out the registration form and select “I need a different date/location”. Our dedicated Pathway Program Project Support Officer will get in contact with you to arrange an alternative date and/or location for you to complete the assessment/s. 

After you register for the program, you will receive an email to confirm all the details including start times and location.


If you would like to prepare for the Assessment Days, you can access the following resources. Please note that numeracy is only required for certain degrees and will be confirmed with you upon registration. Further resources and practice tests will be sent to you via email once you have registered.

After the assessments, if you receive an offer to study at Western, you are required to provide a confirmation of your Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity. We recognise that due to the impacts of colonisation and historical policies, often obtaining an official Confirmation of Aboriginality can be challenging. Therefore, we accept either of the following forms of documentation as confirmation of Aboriginality:

1. A letter of “Confirmation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Descent” provided by an Indigenous Community organisation with a common seal (eg. Land Council).


2. Western Sydney Universities “Statutory Declaration” Form. This is a document demonstrating your self-identification as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person. This form must be co-signed by a recognised Indigenous community member or worker (examples include an Indigenous teacher, Community Liason, NRL School to Work Officer, Kari, Aboriginal Medical Service staff, Aboriginal Housing staff, etc)     OR alternatively can be accompanied by supporting documentation such as a Linkup NSW genealogy document or letter of support using an official letterhead from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander incorporated corporation.  

Get notified about future assessment dates

Hear from our students

Hear from one of our students, Kayden about why he recommends the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pathway program.

Need assistance?

Contact our Course Information Team on study@westernsydney.edu.au, 1300 668 370, or Live Chat.