With respect for Aboriginal cultural protocol and out of recognition that its campuses occupy their traditional lands, Western Sydney University acknowledges the Darug, Eora, Dharawal (also referred to as Tharawal) and Wiradjuri peoples and thanks them for their support of its work in their lands in Greater Western Sydney and beyond.
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- Student Services Hub — your first point of contact
Student Services Hub Infoline: 1300 668 370
- Security and emergency information
24-hour Security Hotline: 1300 737 003
Emergencies (police, fire, ambulance): 000
- Academic Literacy workshops
- Accommodation
- Campus life, food and fitness services
- Campus maps
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- Counselling, mental health and wellbeing
- Disability and chronic illness services
- Glossary of University terms
- International exchange programs
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- MATES program
- Maths Start workshops
- Mature age information
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Multifaith Chaplaincy
- PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions)
- Printing, copying, scanning and binding services
- Scholarships
- Services for Indigenous Students
- Services for International Students
- Starting at Western Sydney University
- Student Legal Service
- Student Representation & Participation
- Student Services Fair
- Textbooks
- Transport and getting to uni
- Online student support hub
- University Facebook page
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- Western Wifi network
- Welfare, financial help and accommodation assistance
- Workshops, programs and online resources