Tertiary Education Pathways FAQs


Yes, all offers are made through the University Admission Centre (UAC) for Western Sydney University. For details on how to apply, offer rounds and important dates go to the UAC website.

No, we work directly with the UAC to identify students eligible for a TE pathway to make sure you receive your offer.

The UAC process is to retrieve all results electronically from TAFE in the latter stages of each year or early in the following year, and so the university will be advised of your completion when it is finalised. If you are studying with a private VET or higher education provider you may need to provide your final results to UAC. Follow the instructions on the UAC application or enquire with UAC directly if you are unsure if this applies to your studies.

Customarily TE pathways students receive an offer in the main offer round. For an indication of the main round dates for each intake period please check the Offers page of the UAC website.

All TE pathways students should use the online pathways credit e-form system. This means you do not have to provide transcripts, subject outlines, consult with academic staff or wait for an outcome, as the credit is applied once you lodge the form online. See the claim your credit section of this website for more detail on this process.

You will only be awarded credit if you lodge the pathways credit e-form. This process is completely optional, some students prefer to study the whole program from start to finish without credit, this is your choice. You are not obligated to take up any TE pathway arrangement if you do not wish to.

Admission and enrolment

No, you will need to first enrol in your program and then select your subjects. This process is detailed on the How do I enrol page. For pathways students a component of this process is your online credit application, with the credit you receive determining the subjects you have to select from for the remainder of your program. Many TE pathways have detailed credit information and suggested residual programs listed on this website. Should you have any queries in relation to what pattern your enrolment should take after your credit is applied, it is recommended you consult with the Academic Advisor for your program. You can also use the Handbook as a reference for your program requirements.

No, this is a common misconception and is incorrect. Studying full-time involves doing 3-4 subjects per semester. The average subject requires attendance on campus of 3-4 hours per week (this varies from subject to subject). This equals approximately 12-15 hours on-campus study time required when full-time, and does not include the additional work you need to do per subject outside of your lectures, tutorials, etc. To maximise success in your studies it is recommended that you dedicate at least 10 hours per week for each subject (including on-campus study time) so a full-time student will have a workload of 30 to 40 hours per week of studies. Each semester runs for approximately 16 to 17 weeks, including exam period. Some programs may vary in attendance requirements, so please use this as a guide only. A part-time study load is 1-2  subjects per semester, so your workload is effectively halved per teaching period. You need to plan around your other commitments and, depending on these, decide if a full-time or part-time study load would suit you best.

All our degree programs can be studied full-time or part-time. You can enrol in between 1 and 4 subjects each teaching session, should you wish to attempt more than 4 permission must be obtained from your Head of Program. To allow for your other commitments you have the flexibility to change the number of subjects you enrol in each session, e.g. three in one session and then one in the next. Within a semester you have the option to withdraw from subjects without penalty up to the census date, but cannot add subjects after week 2 of the session. You manage this process yourself via the online enrolment system, MySR, but there are also university staff to assist you in planning your study load so it is both manageable for you and is working towards meeting the requirements of your degree program. For more information see the Enrolment page.

You have until the census date of each teaching session to withdraw from subjects without academic or financial penalty. For more information on census dates go to the Census dates page.

Each session you will be charged for each of the subjects you remain enrolled in after the census date, as well as a Student Services & Amenities Fee (SSAF). Your payment options are, in part, dependent on your student status, e.g. Australian Citizenship, International, etc. This status will determine what options you have available to you for upfront payment or deferring your fees to the ATO (HECS, Fee-Help, etc.) All information in relation to fees is available on the Fees page.

One of the major differences between TAFE, VET or higher education college study and attending university is the way classes are offered and how a timetable is created. At university you must enrol in your subjects first and then register for tutorials. Most subjects will have a weekly lecture that you are required to attend, offered at one or more times, followed by a tutorial. Tutorials require advance registration, as places are limited in each session. When the system opens it is advisable for you to access the site and register as soon as possible in order to secure the options which work best for you and fit within the requirements of any other subjects you are studying that session. This process is explained in detail, and registration opening dates provided, in Tutorial Registration.


While these are forms of tertiary education there can be some significant differences between studying at TAFE or a VET/higher education college and university. For many years we have welcomed students who have completed vocational degrees, and are using these to enter a university degree. Completing a VET or higher education program demonstrates that you are capable of committing to study at a tertiary level, you bring important skill sets to your university studies and can build on these attributes to become a highly successful university student. The biggest differences that students report are related to the following:

  • Universities focus on more self-directed and independent learning and have larger class numbers,
  • Access to lecturers and academic staff is much more structured, often they only have availability at certain times and booking may be required,
  • Increased reliance on technology and online systems for managing your study and student account,
  • The type and volume of reading required is significantly increased,
  • Higher levels of academic literacy, numeracy, essay writing and referencing skills needed,
  • Time and workload management is more complex.

For more information on managing these issues, and more, visit the Services and Facilities webpage.

There are many resources and programs to assist you in the transition between vocational studies and university, including bridging programs, online resources and preparation workshops available prior to each teaching session, and some offered during the semester. These programs range in topic and delivery mode, so there should always be one to suit your needs. Feedback gathered from pathway students now studying at Western Sydney University strongly recommends attending preparation programs, as they are very valuable in aiding the transition between VET or other higher education study and university. Please see the Workshops, programs and online resources webpage for more information.

At the initial commencement of your program you need to attend a My Program Planning(MCP) session. In addition to this there are multiple services available to support and aid you in your university studies. These include the Student Services Hub offices, located on each campus as a one stop shop for information, queries and direction, the Academic Program Advisors, to give advice on each program, and the comprehensive suite of online study resources available for your use 24/7. A full range of services available, and details on how you can access each, is available from the Services and Facilities page and also showcased on-campus during the twice yearly Student Services Fairs.

Students have lots of questions when starting out at university. Try the Help and Support page in the first instance, as you may find the answer you are looking for there. If not, please contact the Student Services Hub team for assistance.