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How to choose an agent and what does an agent do?


If you’re dreaming of an international study adventure at Western Sydney University, you might be wondering what you need to do to enrol. 

An international student agent is someone who is there to help you throughout your enrolment process. However, there are some important things you need to know before you find an agent.

To learn more, we spoke to Gareth Lewis, Regional Director for the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas on Western’s International Student Recruitment & Admissions team. 

Read on to discover his insights and advice on applying to university with an agent. 

What is an agent and what do they do?

 If you’re just starting to explore studying in Australia, you might not have heard of education agents before. These agents play an important role in connecting international students with universities in Australia. 

“An education agent serves to provide a prospective student information in regard to study options in that student’s desired destination country, and also provides guidance in making applications to institutions they represent and assistance in student visa applications and travel,” explains Gareth. 

Agents also play a role in accepting any offers you receive from educational institutions.  

“The agents can guide the students on the various stages of the acceptance: which documents to sign, what information they need to provide, how to make their deposit payments and what to expect from the university in return.” 

Finally, agents also often organise events in students’ home countries, where they bring interested students together with representatives from a range of universities. 

“These events really help the prospective student see a wide variety of possible university options in one place at one time,” says Gareth. 

Do I need an agent?

Having an education agent isn’t compulsory for most international students. 

“For some students, there is no need to have an agent, and they are able to navigate the application, acceptance and visa process on their own,” says Gareth.

However, even if you aren’t required to engage an agent, you might find them to be a valuable asset on your journey. Having one of these experts on your side will make your application and visa process much easier. 

For some prospective international students, it is compulsory to use an education agent to apply to study in Australia. 

Gareth explains, “In certain source countries, which are deemed to be ‘Evidence Level three’ by the Department of Home Affairs, there is an increased level of documentary evidence required for the purposes of student visa application.” 

He adds that, to set students up for the best chance of success, Western requires applicants from these countries to work with a trusted international student agent. 

When should I engage an agent?

An agent can be a great help to you throughout your entire application process.  

“Applicants should remember that agents provide a great level of assistance and guidance in the often complex and document-heavy steps, from application to visa success and travel to Australia,” Gareth advises. 

He explains that while some students are happy to conduct their own research into potential universities and courses, engaging an agent is a great way to get valuable information and insight when exploring your possibilities. 

“They can be a great support in the initial stages of the student journey,” he adds 

Once you’ve chosen your perfect degree and institution, your agent can help you with the important next steps. 

“Often, students tend to find things more complicated at the application stage, and at this point, they will often engage agents for the first time,” says Gareth.  

What should I look for in an agent?

So, you’re ready to start applying to university with an agent, but what should you look for?   

While most education agents are trustworthy and honest, Gareth advises that it’s important to be aware of potential scams: “Choose your agent carefully, and do your checks.”  

Thankfully, there are a few quick and easy ways to check that you’ve chosen a good agent.  

Firstly, you’ll want to make sure your potential agent is approved by your educational institution.   

“Western Sydney University works with only selected agents who we have screened carefully,” Gareth explains. “Students should definitely check that their selected agent is on the university’s website and has evidence of direct representation displayed in the agent’s office.”  

He adds that good agents will likely be listed on several other university websites, so it’s worth checking with other institutions as well.    

“Agents who offer a wide variety of higher education providers on their marketing materials are evidencing that they are trusted by a large number of universities here in Australia.” 

Additionally, your agent should be well aware of your university and the courses they offer, and able to give you useful, up-to-date information. 

“We invest our time and energy into ensuring that the agents have the right information to hand when they are counselling the students. Universities will also bring agents over to Australia on familiarisation trips,” Gareth explains. “Students can ask if their agent has done that and been invited by the university on such trips.” 

He also advises checking whether your prospective agent has a Qualified Education Agent Counsellor (QAEC) certification. Having this qualification demonstrates that an agent understands all the relevant Australian legislation, operates their business ethically, and is committed to protecting your rights. 
Finally, Gareth recommends visiting your agent’s local office in person, asking to speak to their counselling team, and requesting to be connected with students who have used the agency in the past. 

How do I find an agent?

When finding an international student agent, Gareth says it’s important to choose one that’s supported by Western.    

“We screen agents carefully to ensure they are working ethically and responsibly with the student’s interests in mind at all stages on the route, from enquiry to enrolment at the university,” he shares.   

Luckily, finding an approved agent is easy: “We publish the names and locations of our approved education agents on our international pages. Students can filter the list by country and city to help narrow down their search.” 

If you’re ready to find your perfect agent and start your Western adventure, visit our Find an Agent page today.