Call 000 for emergency fire, police, and ambulance assistance throughout Australia or if a crime is in progress.
Phone number for non-emergency police
131 444
Western Sydney University has an After Hours Student Assistance Line specifically for international students. This service provides students with assistance in the evenings and on weekends.
If you need any help after hours or have any problem at all, please call 1300 884 235. This is a free call from landlines anywhere in Australia. Standard call rates apply from mobile phones.
Please save this number in your phone - 1300 884 235. If you would like an International Student Assistance Line card, please collect one from the Western Sydney University International Office on your campus.
For on-campus security emergencies, call the Western Sydney University Emergency and Security Hotline on 1300 737 003.
Australia is a safe and friendly country to study and travel. However, the same general cautions apply in Australian cities as in the rest of the world.
How to be responsible in enhancing community health and safety.
Stay healthy and safe, and explore options for private health cover.
Call +61 2 9852 5499 or contact an International Education Agent in your country.